On the day of surgery you should arrive at your scheduled appointment time. You will be admitted to the center and we will begin preparing you for your procedure.

You will be asked to sign a consent form for your procedure, which acknowledges your permission for the physician and facility to care for you. If the patient is a minor, this form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian.

  • Be sure to have an adult present to accompany you home when your surgery is completed
  • Leave your valuables, including jewelry and watches, at home*
  • Bring any deposits or co-pays
  • Bring a valid form of identification and your insurance card (if applicable) so we may properly bill your insurance carrier
  • Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing
  • Do not wear contact lenses or make-up
  • Remove any body jewelry
  • If your child is scheduled for surgery, we encourage you to bring his or her favorite toy for extra comfort
  • Leave children, not having surgery, at home
  • Bring a written list of the medications you are taking along with the dosages
  • Bathe or shower prior to your surgery, do not use lotions or powders

The Surgery Centers will not be responsible for any valuables that are lost.

Upon arrival at the surgery center

Please arrive promptly at your scheduled time. After you register at the reception desk, one of our nurses will take you to the admitting area.

Your nurse will escort you to a dressing room where you will be asked to put on a special gown, cap and slippers. Your clothing and other personal belongings will be placed in a basket for safekeeping.

Please leave all valuables at home.

The procedure

Anesthesiologists, who are highly qualified in all aspects of outpatient anesthesia, provide anesthesia services. Your anesthesiologist will examine you before surgery and answer any questions you may have. Be sure to talk to your anesthesiologist about any medications you are currently taking, even over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements.

Your surgeon in consultation with the anesthesiologist will determine the appropriate type of anesthesia.

There are three types of anesthesia:

  • Local: Local anesthesia numbs only the area being operated on. An intravenous line (I.V.) may or may not be used to help you relax. Your surgeon, or a registered nurse, under the direction of your surgeon, will administer this type of anesthesia.
  • Monitored Anesthesia Care (M.A.C.): This type of anesthesia relieves pain during surgery and relaxes you without putting you to sleep. An anesthesiologist administers this type of anesthesia and monitors you throughout the procedure.
  • General: This type of anesthesia puts you to sleep during the entire procedure. An anesthesiologist administers this type of anesthesia and monitors you throughout the procedure.